Jeremy Sockman dives into the slasher craze
The obscure FINAL EXAM is the focus of the new video. Check it out!
The obscure FINAL EXAM is the focus of the new video. Check it out!
Check out the fantastic review of I.D. Russell’s THE KILLING DEATH from The Rotting Zombie!
Looking back to that far away year of 2014 at a thriller most of you may have missed.
Check out Soup Reviews: And Check out the Movies of the Damned Podcast: Thanks to both for watching the movie…
In his new video, he takes a look at a Quentin Tarantino favourite.
Finally, after 12 long years, CYBERNETIC SHOWDOWN is nearly complete! Check out the newly released teaser trailer to get hyped!
Check out the youtube reviews of our first movie THE KILLING DEATH from two great channels: Moviemac Reviews Bromance –…
Jeremy Sockman’s gone and made a trailer to introduce people to his all-new, dedicated youtube channel. Check it out!
Jeremy Sockman’s on his own channel now so subscribe today to stay abreast of updates as they happen! Here’s his…
Ringo Jones Productions will be at booth 5605 on the Big Four Upper Level all weekend. We’ll have books, DVD’s…